Overview of a Manual Traffic Exchange

A traffic exchange is very much like a website that provides free traffic to its client websites. You see, often, visitors who surf the net are very restless and do not wish to spend more than 20 seconds in a website. In this method a user is not directly sent to any website, because in such a case the user may click away in some seconds.
Instead, with a traffic exchange, the user is directed to other advertisements which generally contain a better description and details about the actual product or service. The user is attracted with the benefits and offers of the website and goes ahead to know more about the website. In this way the website gets their desired traffic.
Traffic exchange can be done in several ways. One such main method of getting good traffic is through squeeze pages. These pages are like advertisements and usually have headlines, a small description and also auto responders. However, a web visitor is required to provide address where e-mails along with other information can be sent. This has a prolonged effect on the user.
There are two main kinds of programs in traffic exchanges. These are classified as manual traffic exchange programs and automatic programs that are known as auto surfs. If you are really interested in getting manual traffic exchange you can get different kinds of advertising for your website. These will be mainly through splash pages, lead capture pages, text links, banners for the promotion and also affiliate sites. All these are best forms of promotion for websites. The benefits of such manual traffic exchange are many. You get to promote your website and get some high quality targeted traffic for your website, bringing more leads and profits.
Visitors are usually attracted to the website through different forms of advertising. The website is promoted through advertisements and banners. Interesting and informative content is presented in these advertisements with the help of graphics and animation to arouse the interest of the user. The user develops an interest to know more and clicks on to the ad or fills up information. The purpose of the advertisement is served and the website is promoted.

Happy surfing!

Promovare online prin schimb de trafic

Prin schimb de trafic se intelege folosirea unui site specializat care utilizeaza un motor de navigare, o bara interna de surf, ce afiseaza automat, pe rand, pentru o anumita perioada, site-urile inregistrate de utilizatori. Cu alte cuvinte, modulul de navigare al site-ului afiseaza pe rand, prin rotire, fiecare site inscris de utilizatori, pentru cateva secunde (cele mai bune sisteme de acest gen afiseaza peste 20 de secunde per site). Pentru fiecare vizualizare a unui alt site in bara de navigare primiti un anumit punctaj, interpretat ca ratie (raport site-uri vizitate/credite pentru trafic primite in schimb). Iar punctele acumulate le puteti folosi prin alocare la site-ul propriu, pentru a primi vizite si trafic, pentru ca site-urle dv sa fie vizitate de ceilalti utilizatori ai sistemului. Deci, acumulati puncte automat pe care le transformati in trafic spre site-ul sau website-urile alese de d-voastra.

Cu cat sunt mai multe vizite, cu atat creste site-ul in importanta in pozitia rezultatelor cautarilor - mai exact in SERP.

Asadar, aveti posibilitatea de a va spori singuri numarul de vizitatori pe site, vizitand cateva ore pe saptamana, timp de cateva secunde, site-urile altor persoane, care la randul lor vor face acelasi lucru cu site-ul d-voastra.

Schimbul gratuit de trafic reprezinta cea mai rapida si cea mai utila metoda de a aduce si imbunatati traficul spre site-ul d-voastra.

About Traffic Exchange


A traffic exchange website receives website submissions from webmasters that join traffic exchange networks. The person who submitted the website then has to browse other member sites on the exchange program to earn credits, which enable their sites to be viewed by other members through the surf system. This increases the number of visitors to all the sites involved.

Exchanges enforce a certain credit ratio, which illustrates the amount of websites the surfer must view in order to receive one hit through the program for their promoted website. Many sites offer the ability to upgrade one's membership level for a more equal credit ratio.

As the viewers are all website owners or affiliates, it is possible that some might find certain member sites interesting and thus make note of them on their own sites, sending more traffic their way. Most traffic programs also impose a time limit when members are browsing, ranging from 10 seconds to 60 seconds. Some incorporate the use of captcha to ensure user interaction.

Almost all traffic exchange programs are free, although many of them offer special features to paid members and offer credits for purchase. Almost all traffic exchange programs encourage users to build their own referral networks, which in turn increases the referrers' amount of credits.

The traffic generated in a traffic exchange can be leveraged by using a downline builder to assist the user in building a referral network in the many different traffic exchanges.

In practice, traffic exchange programs are generally used by small business owners or marketers who either want free advertising or use the exchange programs for low-budget advertisement campaigns.


Traffic Exchanges date back to the beginning of the web and were primarily used by organizations to share sites between employees. Viewers would rate pages in a similar fashion to the now popular social bookmarking phenomenon. When interesting websites were hard to find a traffic exchange for an organisation new to the web proved an invaluable tool.

Circa 1994 traffic exchanges moved from corporate intranets to the web. In an effort to build communities the concept of rating pages was replaced with rewarding members for viewing.

It was 1996 before traffic exchanges began to charge for traffic and around this time the concept changed from a tool for locating interesting sites to a commercial one. This change in direction resulted in increased popularity at the expense of the content which is now almost exclusively commerce.

Traffic Exchange vs. Bounce Rate

Most people use Traffic Exchange programs to increase their site visit rate. Traffic Exchange programs offer both the Auto and Manual Surf options with a timing of 10 to 60 seconds. An 'autosurf' program requires no human intervention to rotate the sites in the database, and is used primarily to inflate the total number of site hits. This practice is rather controversial as it may skew the results of website popularity. People's main reason behind joining a Traffic Exchange program is a theory based on Search Engine ranking. The more visits, the more the ranking will increase but it is now thought that such techniques are outdated and do not influence SEO and SERP ranking. A factor which may negatively influence the ranking is the Bounce Rate. If a website or blog has a high bounce rate then it will be considered that people are not interested in the content. The Bounce Rate is calculated by the average rate a visitor stayed on the site. So whereas the Traffic Exchange sites increase the site visit rate, on the other hand they also increase the bounce rate.

Using Traffic Exchanges Effectively

The key to using traffic exchanges is understanding that the person will only be viewing your site for 10–20 seconds. Rather than sending the person to your website, you should be sending them to a specific advertisement designed for traffic exchanges. The most effective are squeeze pages, which have a simple headline, description, and opt-in form for an autoresponder. Then the surfer can easily type their email address in and receive more information about your product or services at a later time.

Adsense on Traffic Exchanges

Google disallows using Adsense on Traffic Exchanges. Users who wish to advertise their websites on a traffic exchange but also have Adsense ads should create separate pages for advertising in traffic exchanges that do not have Adsense ads.